我透過這個經歷也找到一個新的信念讓我更有勇氣。 在媒體中有許多"完美"的藝人。 他們的存在很容易讓我們給自己錯誤的"完美"標準。所以我可以很不完美的分享堅持和學習進步的過程是一個很寶貴的機會! 希望你有被激勵到!
Lily C
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006

我快沒有臉了! 上週再沒有任何心理或實際的準備下上了最近很紅的 “快樂星期天”…真的不快樂! 其實從來沒看過這個節目,只知道有人因為被批評的很慘而得到憂鬱症。 我第一步就作了錯的決定就是選了一首台語歌 “望春風” 因為想可以用自己的方式唱…沒唱幾斷就因為咬子被喊停! 哇!站在那裡被挑剔是一件很不容易的事。 好想找一個洞讓我可以脫離殘酷的陷阱。 不過裁判還算對我還不錯,給了我兩次加分的機會…只是因為緊張及不充足的準備而對自己是非常的不滿! 在場的樂團很努力搭配我自己的歌但感覺和合弦讓我卡住,不過還是勇敢的完成了那個悲劇!
這次的經歷讓我回想到第一次主持廣播也出了大搝! 我忘了關mic而尖叫了 “救命” 因為電腦出了我不熟悉的問題。 那時候的主管就跑進studio不斷的揮手。 我不懂為什麼他不立刻解決我的問題而跳那麼誇張的舞。 後來明白他不斷的指出再量的紅燈代表麥克風還是開的。 我的臉就變了紫色。 我那時也考慮直接搭飛機回加拿大! 不過就吃了humble pie 繼續磨練自己。
我也想到第一次再河岸留言唱歌。 因為太緊張所以走音走的很嚴重。 我之後的女孩唱的好好。 我就更灰心覺得自己的夢想沒價值。 淋著雨走回家就更著與聲哭了一整晚! 但過了一個禮拜有鼓起勇氣回到那個舞台。雖然還是有走音但是有進步,應此信心也真加了才會有今天的我還可以唱兩個set!
每件事都有過程。 追求夢想也要勇敢的跌倒接受自己的不完美。 跌到就要再站起來拍拍屁股往前走。
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

我們樂團還有三個表演我就要回加拿大看家人! 非常期待因為很珍惜可以在一起的時間! 希望大家不要等到家人生病才懂得珍惜! 要把握!
最近很想寫一手開心可以跳舞的歌但寫不太出來。 也許這次回家有開心的時間才會有靈感。 以下是我為阿姨的追師禮拜寫的歌:
Goodbye 不是永遠
Oh goodbye is not forever
Goodbye 不是永遠
Monday, May 01, 2006
to my precious aunt - passed away April 25th 5:25pm
Last Breath, Last Dance
you danced your dance, and I danced mine
our lives and stories entertwined.
your love was a light
touching all those blessed to be in your realm.
your gift was your heart always flowing,
cleansing us with your love and faith
reminding us that we are all precious and worthy...
in your light we were so graced
you never spoke of your needs
or regrets stored in long forgotten rooms
instead you seized love, seized life
dancing your way ever so vibrantly.
so we took this last dance
painfully watching you fade away
in courage, faith and love
you sustained us as the music played out.
giving us every last ounce of yourself
that we who are left could love, heal and bind.
this was your last gift, your most precious dance
we begged and pleaded with fate for one more chance
but you had already chosen, taken your stand
and you spoke with your heartbeat,
your love and cherished memories
i ache at the empty space before me, where we used to dance
i take empty steps forward, rhythm fades out with the passage of time.
in my dreams you come back, with wings of crystal lace
a new dance to the heavens, a new angel filled with grace.
so i watched your last breath, last dance, my comfort is the hope that one day
we will laugh at all we could not understand in this pain
in this foolish life, there is hope that sustains
in heaven we will meet again.
you danced your dance, and I danced mine
our lives and stories entertwined.
your love was a light
touching all those blessed to be in your realm.
your gift was your heart always flowing,
cleansing us with your love and faith
reminding us that we are all precious and worthy...
in your light we were so graced
you never spoke of your needs
or regrets stored in long forgotten rooms
instead you seized love, seized life
dancing your way ever so vibrantly.
so we took this last dance
painfully watching you fade away
in courage, faith and love
you sustained us as the music played out.
giving us every last ounce of yourself
that we who are left could love, heal and bind.
this was your last gift, your most precious dance
we begged and pleaded with fate for one more chance
but you had already chosen, taken your stand
and you spoke with your heartbeat,
your love and cherished memories
i ache at the empty space before me, where we used to dance
i take empty steps forward, rhythm fades out with the passage of time.
in my dreams you come back, with wings of crystal lace
a new dance to the heavens, a new angel filled with grace.
so i watched your last breath, last dance, my comfort is the hope that one day
we will laugh at all we could not understand in this pain
in this foolish life, there is hope that sustains
in heaven we will meet again.
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