Tuesday, October 31, 2006
一個藍天的下午 An afternoon under the blue sky
我上週有機會和朋友去國父紀念館寫歌。 天氣很奇怪,有大太陽但同時有一陣一陣的毛毛雨而有一個角落有烏雲
Last week I had the time to sit down for an afternoon with a friend and write some songs at Sun Yet Sun Memorial Hall. The weather was very strange. Mostly it was sunny with sudden spurts of rain and a cloudy corner in the sky.
我通常都是一個人在家或在練團室寫歌。難得走出去。 坐在外面讓我感覺好像時間便慢了特別是我們沒有很明確的目標。 很輕鬆。
I usually write music alone in my room or in the band practice room where there are no windows. It was my first venture outside. It struck me that time feels very different when you are sitting outside without a fixed agenda. I felt very relaxed (a rare feeling in Taipei for me).
那天下午有兩個畫面讓我很感動。第一個是看到兩個老先生放又大又精采的風箏。 他們不是為了陪孫子而是自己在享受。 我從來沒看過老人家自己放風箏!
There are two images that shall remain fixed in my mind from that afternoon. Firstly, was the image of two old men flying extravagant kites. They were not taking care of their grandchildren, they were there alone, enjoying the wind and their kites. I never knew this could be a hobby for the elderly.
你上次放風箏是什麼時候? 我這幾個禮拜希望可以回味一下放風箏的樂趣!
When is the last time you flew a kite? I think that it's a goal of mine to do so in the next few weeks!
第二個讓我感動的畫面是在天空最黑的角落出現的美麗彩虹。 讓我想到有的時候生命最珍貴的禮物都是再我們的黑暗時期出現。 好天氣就很難有彩虹。 這提醒我要尋找我生命的彩虹在過去很艱難的一年。
The second image that remains fixed in my mind is a beautiful rainbow that suddenly appeared in the greyest and darkest corner of the sky. It was a very dramatic image and reminded me that sometimes the most beautiful things appear in the darkest parts of our life. Rainbows generally do not appear in perfectly clear weather. So for me, this is a reminder to find the rainbow in my life, even though it has not been an easy walk this past year.
Did you see the rainbow in your life?
Thursday, October 05, 2006

昨天一個人走到魚池有機會看到一些正在逆遊的櫻花鉤吻鮭. 他們的努力鼓勵到我很多! 在走夢想的路總覺得好像必須跟社會的價值觀逆遊. 社會教我們要注重錢和成就甚過於夢想和愛. 但看到這些魚不斷的被水退下去而繼續前進就再一次提醒我,我選的這條路本來就是難走的. 同樣也會被大浪退下去,但我可以像那些魚繼續堅持. 它們知道必須克服這個難關才可以完成它們生命的使命. 這是我想學習的精神.
有些觀眾問我如何可以保持他們看到的熱情和樂觀. 我說這不是我的本性而是我必須每天努力學習的. 這裡路邊有很多花. 早上時他們都向著太陽的方向, 很可愛. 我們也可以從這些花學習把心和思考轉到樂觀的方向. 每天有許多的負面消息及聲音像瀑布般沖, 特別是現在的媒體文化. 所以要正面更是需要花一些努力和力氣. 很重要的是必許有一些有同樣的想發的好朋友, 彼此兼顧,彼此鼓勵才不會那麼辛苦. 你們所給我的鼓勵我很重視, 也很需要!
謝謝大家! 我們可以一起加油!
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