Lily C & 新鮮空氣即將帶給大家一個新鮮的享受!
Something fresh is in the air…
星期五晚上來放輕鬆! 保證給你新的活力及好心情. 我們很榮幸有兩位非常有才華的樂手. 我們的音樂有一股新的力量,也有新歌和大家分享! Kick off the weekend with a relaxing night of music. We've got tunes to inspire and a new jazzy groove that will make you move! We are excited to welcome two super talented new band members to the mix adding a new energy. Look forward to some new takes on old songs as well as a new song preview.
New song preview新歌發表: “I am a bee” & “beware”
混合bossa, funk, afrikaan 及歐式民搖的輕鬆曲風
“I am a bee, I am a butterfly, I am a bird taking flight…”
Roger王洛詰 – 知名爵士鼓手及老師
Martijn - 比利時爵士鍵盤及貝斯手
11月17日 (五) 9pm Fri. Nov. 17
NANJING EAST ROAD, SEC. 5 No. 8, 3rd Fl.
小客廳: 南京東路五段8號3樓
For more information: www.lilyc.com, www.livingroomtaipei.com