昨天再新竹過了一個滿開心的時間。 下午在誠品表演,晚上在Sogo的路邊表演,有街頭藝人的感覺。 我們遇到的人都很親切及鼓勵包括誠品和Sogo的員工。 我被一些願意分享自己的真心的觀眾特別鼓勵到。 也因此發現可以用音樂讓大家團聚及互動和分享。 因為中國人很含蓄而也有許多的傳統,有這樣的機會和時間很不容易,也很寶貴。
Yesterday was a pleasant day in Hsinchu. I played at Eslite in the afternoon and on the sidewalk of Sogo in the evening. The people were receptive, friendly and encouraging. I was especially touched by some of the listeners who shared their hearts. I am beginning to realize how meaningful it can be to bring people together because of music and create an opportunity for sharing and interaction. This is not very easy in a conservative Chinese environment.
I asked the audience to share something they admired about themselves. One woman shared how she although she struggled with divorce and epilepsy, she maintains a passion for life. I could see the hardship in her eyes, but also the light and the will to live. I really admired her courage, to share her heart that way.
我也給觀眾機會向他們的媽媽表達心裏的愛如同我為我母親寫的哥。 雖然我提共了一張Cd做獎品沒人站起來,我很擔心冷場了。 看到一個媽媽想說服她的青少年的女兒我就把他們拉到台上。 雖然女兒很害羞他做了一見他說他從來沒做過的事,就是吻媽媽的臉頰。
At the end of my Eslite bookstore concert I sang Mama and offered to give a CD to anyone willing to get up in front of everyone and either kiss their mom and tell them "I love you" or call their mom on the phone and do the same. I was scared nobody would take the offer...everyone just sat there in silence...I think yearning to be able to have the courage. I saw one mother trying to persuade her daughter, and felt something move me in side to get them to come up. At first the daughter was shy and reluctant, but she broke through and in an act of courage gave her mom a kiss on the cheek, something she admitted she has never done before. The daughter looked like she was in her early teens, a time when most parents feel emotionally very distant form their children as teens are forming their own character and identity.
When the mom sat down she started crying. I know she must have felt so touched by her daughter's act of love. I hope they can carry on with this, now that they've had this one victory!
看到他們的突破感覺看到奇跡。 我有些朋友想了好幾年都沒辦法和父母的關係更靠近。 我們很容易孝順父母用錢或著問“你吃了沒?”但把真心拿出來並不簡單。 有的時候即便在同樣的房間但心裡的距離像海般的大。
That moment, I felt I had witnessed a miracle. I have several friends who are still unable after years of longing, to break through multitudes of barriers that exist preventing them to connect emotionally with their parents. It's easy for children to "show respect" as is ingrained in our culture, through giving money or asking "have you eaten yet?", but to really take out our hearts and make the connection...sometimes though we're in the same room it can feel like oceans.
So, I'm so grateful for my mom, who broke through many Chinese traditions to be close to me and my sister and by sharing her example, I hope that others will also be inspired.
這個精力特別讓我感動因為在那個時刻我是如此的開心我是活著的。 我心裡有個聲音告訴我 “這就是我的天命!” 即便我不是大明星…或許我永遠沒辦法靠音樂吃飯(雖然還是可以有夢想)…但是我有很寶貴的機會用很親密的方式分享我的音樂,是少數的大明星有的機會。
This experience was very moving for me because at that moment I felt so happy to be alive. In my heart I felt a voice say, "THIS is what I'm made to do!"...so I'm not a big super rockstar...I may never be able to make a living off my music...though I still dare to dream. But I have the opportunity to connect through my music on a very personal level with people. Something rockstars don't necessarily have the opportunity to do.
Hence, even though I often fight with inner temptation to want to "make it", moments like these add fuel to my bucket for the hard times when you're singing on the sidewalk baring your heart and soul, not making any money, while people pass by oblivious to the love you would like to share with them.
不過在 Sogo路邊唱很開心。有親愛的聽友透過網站的消息從台中來到新竹鼓勵我。
That said, singing on the sidewalk of Sogo was not a bad experience. Some people who heard about the show through my website came out to cheer me on...even a couple of people from Taichung!...
WOW…我想說一聲謝謝對所有和我分享在新竹很快了的一天。 你們的點頭,認真的眼神,用腳跟著節奏打拍子…你們都鼓勵到我,也參予了我的夢想。 很高興有機會和大家相處。
WOW...all I can say is THANKS to all you who stopped and listened, nodded and tapped your feet to my singing and sharing. You made me feel so happy to be alive...to have the chance to connect to all of you!