很難想像這個時候到了卻感覺很緊張。 Will I have a good message to share with the prisoners? Will people like my music? Will I be able to keep up with the riding team around the island? 很多的未知。 What I do know is that this is my dream and I want to share my heart, music and love with others! 很高興有這個機會。 Hope you can come out to Kaoshiung or Taichung...(希望有機會在高雄或台中見)!!!
I want to share these pictures with you for two reasons. The first picture is from the press conference we held to announce the beginning of my first tour. It is a special tour because not only will I be singing at malls, but also in PRISON!...I have to admit I'm kind of nervous about that. I'm also nervous about riding my bike around the island. I'm scared I'm not in good shape and will end up injuring myself...we shall see! But what is courage? It is accepting that we are afraid but stepping out on faith!
The second picture is from Jing Shan (金山). That is where I went 3 years ago after quitting ICRT to start my songwriting process. At that time all I had was a small recording device and some ideas. I had no idea what would come of it. I went back there last week to pray and think about the past 3 years. It really hasn't been an easy road...but it's been a great opportunity for me to learn about myself and grow as a person and as a musician.
So, HERE I GO!!! AND I hope you will join me! :-)
Lily C 演出行程表:
10/6 0800 單車環島出發儀式 法務部
10/6 1530 新竹監獄關懷活動 新竹監獄演唱
10/7 1900 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 台中德安百貨演唱
10/9 1900 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 高雄黃金愛河演唱
10/10 1400 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 高雄黃金愛河演唱
10/10 1900 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 高雄黃金愛河演唱
10/12 1500 台東監獄關懷活動 台東監獄演唱
10/14 1400 花蓮監獄關懷活動 花蓮監獄演唱
10/17 1400 台北光榮返回記者會 法務部
1 comment:
wow it's so cool lily
whatever you do just go for it
your dream is coming
i am so expect hear your sweet voice again =.=
this is my blog
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