Sunday, October 30, 2005
過完了一個很豐富及累的禮拜我很開心的去回顧所發生的事。有的時候忙碌或優率會讓我們活的很沒深度或媒體會。當我有不安的感覺我會避面近下來去感受或回想。 但今天晚上的我不得不想一想。
當然發片是最難忘的一件事。 好多的感激和感動。 有太多人參與了我這條夢想的旅程。 有夢想的人都會有信心軟弱的時候,而那些幫你打氣度過挑戰的人就算只是一次的互動或一句話都很重要。 No dream can be accomplished alone. 但是同時很多的時刻你也只能靠自己的勇氣和堅持度過難關。 很像騎單車爬坡一樣: 有人在旁邊打氣會幫你真加力氣,但是沒有人可以幫你辛苦得流汗及接受生體的痠痛。 At the hardest moments, only you can decide whether or not to continue.
特別感動是我的好朋友所準備的surprise,也就是我家人鼓勵的錄音。 本來我們都有共識是我發片的時候我的媽媽一定會來台灣,但因為她的病我只能透過電話和她分享這個快了的時刻。 不過我很感激因為我知道他們是跟我一起慶祝。
昨天去參加了一個婚禮,很開心有機會唱歌鼓勵新人。 但是我必需承認這件事也挑戰到我的信心。 現在的女生都很獨立,有的事後我會忘記有dating的渴望。 但是每次參加婚禮就會再一次去想像我未來那一位先生會是什麼樣的人。 I have to admit I cried last night feeling a little hopeless. 但我同時也決定我在這方面要有更多的學習和信心。 I must have the courage to give my heart. 可能還沒發片的時候就比較容易不去想這一塊。
為了要安慰自己就去大賣場(my favorite thing to do) 而在那裡第一次看到我的CD 上架了! WOW!!! 好特別的感覺。 看到我和我妹妹的照片在中壢的唱片航是我無法形容的感覺。 I can only say: WOW!!!
So life has its ups and downs. Nothing is ever perfect, but we share this journey together. Thanks for sharing this victory with me!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Friday Night CD Release Party
從單車環島到辦記者會就把自己累倒了,所以這幾天在迷糊的發燒\狀態休息。 不過心理是很開心極感動因為記者會半的如此的溫馨。 我的好朋友幫我準備了很棒的 surprise,就是我家人鼓勵的話。我一聽到我爸爸的聲音眼淚就立刻開始流。 I am lucky to have such a great family!
再很忙和病的狀況下差一點忘記邀請大家來 小客廳 Friday Night, 也就是明天 (10月28日, 10pm):
Hope you can come and share this happy moment in my life!
再很忙和病的狀況下差一點忘記邀請大家來 小客廳 Friday Night, 也就是明天 (10月28日, 10pm):
Hope you can come and share this happy moment in my life!
Friday, October 21, 2005
環島回來了幾天身體還是累和酸痛。不過心理很感激有那麼特別的機會及回憶。 每次我想到那些受刑人的眼神,看到他們如何渴望愛,也感到我的歌聲和分享有給他們一些他們渴望的盼望,我就很開心我第一次的巡迴是如此的 special。不過回來還是要面對很多的現實,就是要正式發唱片。心裡有許多的感觸。一方面很開心因為這一天終於到了。我所堅持的,我所流的許多的眼淚都不是白費的。 但是還是會害怕因為這些音樂的來源是我的心而,我要把他赤裸裸的獻給大家。 雖然心裡知道一定會有很多不同的聲音和反應,我不知道我能不能承擔這一切。 最現實的是經濟的考量。走獨立的路線我可以行銷的管道很有限,但是還是決定專心完成這個夢想而沒有接其他的工作。不過最近明白了一件事就是我是慢慢地建立我的夢想而不是被打出來或被捧出來。雖然這條路比較辛苦,但是總覺得比較踏實。假如有兩棟大樓在你面前,一個是很漂亮而是很快速的造出來的。另外一個沒那麼亮麗但它是慢慢地,一個磚頭一個磚頭蓋出來的。你會選擇住在哪一個?
To build my dream, I choose the second one.
To build my dream, I choose the second one.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Bill Clinton's Wisdom
I never thought very highly of Bill Clinton until I read the following quote from him...which left me inspired!
"You can't be impatient when things don't go your way overnight, when it may take 10 years, or 20 or 30 or a lifetime to make a difference. The bigger your hopes and dreams, the larger your pain.
"You have to be able to live with pain, you have to be able to live with humiliation.
"And I know a little bit about both.''
"You can't be impatient when things don't go your way overnight, when it may take 10 years, or 20 or 30 or a lifetime to make a difference. The bigger your hopes and dreams, the larger your pain.
"You have to be able to live with pain, you have to be able to live with humiliation.
"And I know a little bit about both.''
Monday, October 10, 2005
First CD sales for charity
Here is a picture of me and a 72 year old man dancing while I sang by the riverside in Kaosiung. He was a very encouraging audience member! (actually he is driving us around the island) He died his hair blond! What a funny guy and a great dancer.
Tomorrow I am going to visit a girl here in Kaoshiung who is both an angel and a hero. She has a rare disease that means she will only live to the age of 20. Her sister just passed away last year and she is fighting for her life on a regular basis. When her father discovered his daughters had such a terrible illness he deserted the family, leaving their mother with many challenges to bear alone, both emotionally and financially. Despite these challenges, this little girl, Yen Rou, always dedicates herself to her school work and has won many awards for her diligent attitude to life. However, even though she has had a lot of glory and praise, her and her mother are still financially challenged. Hence last night I sold my CD for charity. It was a vulnerable moment for me because there were moments I felt like nobody wanted to buy them. There I was standing on the stage looking at this audience and feeling like I put my heart on the line. The CD contains huge pieces of my heart and life and I was reaching out with it, not for myself but for someone else. Well, finally some people started buying and I felt very encouraged.
I will post pictures and share about meeting this little girl tomorrow. But I can tell you that just by knowing her story is already an inspiration. If you read this story and you feel a little moved, I will also find a way that you can help this little girl and her mother out too.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed at all the problems in the world. There are so many, especially after hearing about the recent earthquake. But the danger of feeling overwhelmed is that we can often feel crippled and end up not taking any action at all. However I realize now that we do what we can do, and God does place many needs right in front of our eyes - which is our call to take action.
So, here is a girl in Kaoshiung who needs your help. Hope some of you can hear her needs...
Share more with you tomorrow.
In the mean time, after the super encouraging concert, I went to the Kaoshiung Liu He night market. It was DELICIOUS! I had seafood congee (without the rice) sweet! Red Bean Mien Mien was so silky! AND Tu Tuo fish stew with rice vermicelli...superbly YUMMY! So I go to bed with a happy stomach and a happy heart. It was a great October 10th. Happy Birthday Taiwan.
PS. Thanks to Monica for your comments and postings...and thanks to Leo for coming out tonight and buying a CD.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Thoughts on prison...
Thoughts on prison...
Yesterday was my first time in prison. I was quite anxious before going in. I had no idea what the security would be like, I didn't know what the prisoners would be like, and was apprehensive about my performance.
The jail warden and officers were friendly and going into the prison was less of an ordeal than I expected it to be. We had to leave our cell phones outside, then we went through a metal detector and were further checked by an officer. Inside, the atmosphere seemed like a school. There was a nice pond and even a coffee area overlooking the pond. The only way I could tell we were in jail were the metal fences everywhere. The officers even addressed the inmates as "fellow students" (同學).
I stepped into the auditorium and peaked at the audience. There were 300 shaved heads wearing grey uniforms sitting in neatly organized rows. They weren't rowdy like I expected. Instead they seemed to be waiting patiently for the performance to begin.
When I stepped on stage to sing to them, what I saw was not inmates, rather the eyes of children looking for love and inspiration - hence this is what I tried to share with them.
Because I did not know what to expect, I had not prepared anything to say. In fact I was afraid that I would say something discouraging or inappropriate. But at the moment I stood on that stage and saw their eyes, I knew in my heart what I wanted to tell them - that they should look with hope and courage to their futures.
I thought about the last 3 years I've spent writing songs and declining most jobs in order to stay focused on my dreams. There have been times I've felt like a prisoner. The more time I spent away from the limelight the less confidence I had in what I was doing. I began to doubt my self worth. I think these inmates probably have similar fears. They don't know what their role will be in their families and society as a whole when they go out to meet the real world again.
In many ways, releasing this album and stepping back into the media for me is also like being released from prison. I have many fears that I need to keep fighting. For example, meeting with reporters, getting my picture taken, not wanting to define myself by all of this, yet also hoping for positive results. It has been a little overwhelming. Moreover I have begun to understand courage all the more, that it truly is about just stepping out on faith, even though you feel unprepared.
Life will never be perfect, so what we must do is believe in the beauty and potential that exists in all of this imperfection.
I'm not sure how much of all of this I was able to convey to the inmates at the Hsinchu jail. But I saw the look of hope and love in their eyes when I told them about fighting to fulfill your potential like a plant that fights through concrete - striving to become the tree it knows its meant to be.
It was a memorable first-time concert for me. I can only hope that I will be able to keep planting seeds of courage in the hearts of those I interact with along this tour.
Yesterday was my first time in prison. I was quite anxious before going in. I had no idea what the security would be like, I didn't know what the prisoners would be like, and was apprehensive about my performance.
The jail warden and officers were friendly and going into the prison was less of an ordeal than I expected it to be. We had to leave our cell phones outside, then we went through a metal detector and were further checked by an officer. Inside, the atmosphere seemed like a school. There was a nice pond and even a coffee area overlooking the pond. The only way I could tell we were in jail were the metal fences everywhere. The officers even addressed the inmates as "fellow students" (同學).
I stepped into the auditorium and peaked at the audience. There were 300 shaved heads wearing grey uniforms sitting in neatly organized rows. They weren't rowdy like I expected. Instead they seemed to be waiting patiently for the performance to begin.
When I stepped on stage to sing to them, what I saw was not inmates, rather the eyes of children looking for love and inspiration - hence this is what I tried to share with them.
Because I did not know what to expect, I had not prepared anything to say. In fact I was afraid that I would say something discouraging or inappropriate. But at the moment I stood on that stage and saw their eyes, I knew in my heart what I wanted to tell them - that they should look with hope and courage to their futures.
I thought about the last 3 years I've spent writing songs and declining most jobs in order to stay focused on my dreams. There have been times I've felt like a prisoner. The more time I spent away from the limelight the less confidence I had in what I was doing. I began to doubt my self worth. I think these inmates probably have similar fears. They don't know what their role will be in their families and society as a whole when they go out to meet the real world again.
In many ways, releasing this album and stepping back into the media for me is also like being released from prison. I have many fears that I need to keep fighting. For example, meeting with reporters, getting my picture taken, not wanting to define myself by all of this, yet also hoping for positive results. It has been a little overwhelming. Moreover I have begun to understand courage all the more, that it truly is about just stepping out on faith, even though you feel unprepared.
Life will never be perfect, so what we must do is believe in the beauty and potential that exists in all of this imperfection.
I'm not sure how much of all of this I was able to convey to the inmates at the Hsinchu jail. But I saw the look of hope and love in their eyes when I told them about fighting to fulfill your potential like a plant that fights through concrete - striving to become the tree it knows its meant to be.
It was a memorable first-time concert for me. I can only hope that I will be able to keep planting seeds of courage in the hearts of those I interact with along this tour.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
很難想像這個時候到了卻感覺很緊張。 Will I have a good message to share with the prisoners? Will people like my music? Will I be able to keep up with the riding team around the island? 很多的未知。 What I do know is that this is my dream and I want to share my heart, music and love with others! 很高興有這個機會。 Hope you can come out to Kaoshiung or Taichung...(希望有機會在高雄或台中見)!!!
I want to share these pictures with you for two reasons. The first picture is from the press conference we held to announce the beginning of my first tour. It is a special tour because not only will I be singing at malls, but also in PRISON!...I have to admit I'm kind of nervous about that. I'm also nervous about riding my bike around the island. I'm scared I'm not in good shape and will end up injuring myself...we shall see! But what is courage? It is accepting that we are afraid but stepping out on faith!
The second picture is from Jing Shan (金山). That is where I went 3 years ago after quitting ICRT to start my songwriting process. At that time all I had was a small recording device and some ideas. I had no idea what would come of it. I went back there last week to pray and think about the past 3 years. It really hasn't been an easy road...but it's been a great opportunity for me to learn about myself and grow as a person and as a musician.
So, HERE I GO!!! AND I hope you will join me! :-)
Lily C 演出行程表:
10/6 0800 單車環島出發儀式 法務部
10/6 1530 新竹監獄關懷活動 新竹監獄演唱
10/7 1900 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 台中德安百貨演唱
10/9 1900 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 高雄黃金愛河演唱
10/10 1400 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 高雄黃金愛河演唱
10/10 1900 愛與勇氣公益演唱會 高雄黃金愛河演唱
10/12 1500 台東監獄關懷活動 台東監獄演唱
10/14 1400 花蓮監獄關懷活動 花蓮監獄演唱
10/17 1400 台北光榮返回記者會 法務部
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
A New Beginning...
After leaving radio 3 years ago I am embarking on a new journey with music as my platform...
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