長大就必須面對生老病死。 面對死亡才會發現生命的美及重要性。 我最近試著發現我阿姨的病所產生的禮物。 我這幾個禮拜有許多與外婆和表妹有親密的時間及對話,甚過我來到台灣那麼多年。
Growing up means to be at peace with living and dying…and when we face death we really learn the importance and beauty of life. These days I'm learning not to look negatively at my aunt's tragedy, but at the gift she has given us. I have had more heart to heart talks with my grandmother and cousin these past few weeks than all my years in Taiwan combined.
在挫折時我們學習把真心拿出來依靠彼此。 我試著一個禮拜和外婆吃3到4餐因為他看著親愛的女兒躺在那裡,食慾不好。我可以感覺我們越來越親。 前幾天他握著我的手,苗小的他就全身靠著我。 感到很溫馨及感動。 我知道她感覺到可以一靠我面對這一切。 我也很榮幸可以陪她。
When we go through hard times together we learn to bring out our hearts and share them with each other. I try to eat with my grandmother 3-4 times a week because I hope she can have a good appetite despite the challenge of seeing her beloved daughter in a coma. I feel us growing closer everyday. The other day I was holding her hand and I could feel her lean on me with her small body. It felt so warm and wonderful. I know she feels she can count on me in these times of trouble and I am so glad I can be here for her.
所以雖然這一切都不是我希望會發生的事,但有許多禮物可以發現,我也感覺我一天比一天堅強。 感謝我有神,我的信仰,及許多的朋友協助我在挑戰中!
So even though many of these troubles are things I wish never happened, there are many gifts to discover and%
1 comment:
What a lovely pix!
May god bless us all
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