Last Breath, Last Dance
you danced your dance, and I danced mine
our lives and stories entertwined.
your love was a light
touching all those blessed to be in your realm.
your gift was your heart always flowing,
cleansing us with your love and faith
reminding us that we are all precious and worthy...
in your light we were so graced
you never spoke of your needs
or regrets stored in long forgotten rooms
instead you seized love, seized life
dancing your way ever so vibrantly.
so we took this last dance
painfully watching you fade away
in courage, faith and love
you sustained us as the music played out.
giving us every last ounce of yourself
that we who are left could love, heal and bind.
this was your last gift, your most precious dance
we begged and pleaded with fate for one more chance
but you had already chosen, taken your stand
and you spoke with your heartbeat,
your love and cherished memories
i ache at the empty space before me, where we used to dance
i take empty steps forward, rhythm fades out with the passage of time.
in my dreams you come back, with wings of crystal lace
a new dance to the heavens, a new angel filled with grace.
so i watched your last breath, last dance, my comfort is the hope that one day
we will laugh at all we could not understand in this pain
in this foolish life, there is hope that sustains
in heaven we will meet again.
to dance in another world that called heaven where there have a bright garden with glamorous flowers.Someday you'll dance again.
I am really shocked n feel so sorry
to hear that!!
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