Sunday, August 13, 2006

Perfect Moments

再不完美的情況我們卻找到完美的快樂. 雖然媽媽生了很可怕的病但看到我們家庭之間的互動突破了許多. 我們很用心創造了很多寶貴的回意. 相信我們的愛和信心會帶來奇蹟. 請大家替我們禱告! I believe in the power of prayer.

1 comment:

Adeline said...

Hi Lily,
我今天在GOOD TV聽到妳的見證,感到非常感動。I used to live in Canada and moved to Taiwan a couple of years ago. I just want to encourage you that God perform miracles all the time. My mom was diagnosed with cancerous tumor by doctor back in December. The tumor was supposed to spread even after a surgery. Yesterday, we went to get the second test report from the doctor and was told that my mom is TOTALLY healed. It's a miracle! Even the doctor admitted that it is a miracle. The day when the doctor said my mom's tumor (in her throat) was cancerous, frankly speaking our whole family was worried. But then a sudden peace entered us as we prayed. The past few months have been days where we learned to trust and surrender to God and to believe in miracle and those time has drawn my family closer to God. He makes everything beautiful in His time. I pray that your mom will experience a miracle and that God will use you as the salt and light shining from Taiwan to other parts of the world!